The concept of exponential growth is very important to us because it affects our planet dramatically. The population of humans on the planet is growing exponentially at various paces depending on which country were talking about. But I’d like you to listen and look at this video to see what exponential growth with respect to the human population means. Economists, businesses and politicians constantly rely upon economic growth, year in year out, but they seem to ignore the prospect that one day it will have to cease because the planet is finite. It has a finite amount of space. Economies cannot keep on growing infinitely. You can’t place an infinite item into a finite space. There will come a time when both human population growth and economic growth ceases completely. And that time is not so far ahead as people believe because if you watch the video you will see how human population growth speeds up quite dramatically towards the end. The concept of exponential growth is vital to animal welfare and conservation of the wild species because the major reason why conservation is failing and why there has been a rapid decline in the population sizes of wild species is because humans are pushing them off their land. There are other reasons but the biggest is that humans are taking their habitat from them so they have nowhere to live. This human created barrier to the success of conservation will get worse and worse year on year because of the exponential growth of the world’s human population.
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