Eco-friendly tyres to minimise non-exhaust pollution. Infographic.

Eco-friendly tyre solutions to help minimise non-exhaust pollution by Michael Broad

Tyre wear pollution has now surpassed vehicle exhaust emissions as a major source of pollution from vehicles, particularly due to advancements in exhaust control technologies like catalytic converters and the rise of electric vehicles, which have no tailpipe emissions. Tyre particles, made up of synthetic rubber and harmful chemicals, wear down as vehicles drive, releasing microplastics and other pollutants into the environment. These particles are dispersed into the air, water, and soil, contributing to air pollution and posing risks to human health and ecosystems. The issue is exacerbated by heavier vehicles, such as SUVs and electric cars, which cause more tyre wear due to their weight.

Tyre pollution. Non-exhaust pollution.
Tyre pollution. Non-exhaust pollution.

MORE: Toxic tyres also pollute the air harming us, our pets and urban wildlife

Of course, this website is about the animal-human relationship so how is this Infographic relevant? Well, air pollution affects us all both animal and human. And humans are creating this form of air pollution. Humans therefore have an obligation to rectify the problem and this is the kind of thing that the enlightened and committed business which I refer to in the Infographic is concerned with.

I am thankful to The Times newspaper for this information together with an AI bot with which I consulted. In the UK, the Air Quality Expert Group which advises the UK government, has warned that without action non-exhaust emissions will account for 90% of UK road transport pollution of PM 2.5 by 2030. The Times’s Clean Air for All campaign is calling for a new Clean Air Act that would confer a legal right to breathe unpolluted air. I believe that polluted air is the cause of many health problems in many countries. Polluted air is invisible although we can sometimes smell it. But if something is invisible to the visually-orientated human it doesn’t exist but unfortunately does in a very big and bad way.

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Environment > Air pollution