Britain is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world according to the environment minister

NEWS AND OPINION: Britain is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world according to the present government’s environment minister, Steve Reed. The Labour government is freshly in place and they have promised to take a fresh look at the wildlife blueprint for the …

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Mr Bean accused of undermining EV market BUT he is correct in his criticisms

Rowan Atkinson has allegedly undermined the electric vehicle market with his criticisms but I would argue that he is correct

NEWS AND COMMENT: Rowan Atkinson is famous for playing the character he created, Mr Bean; the hapless and mute cartoon character who has entertained millions. But Ron Atkinson is a very smart guy with an Oxbridge degree in electrical engineering as I recall. And he …

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UK watchdog, CMA, to investigate Unilever greenwashing

CMA investigate alleged Unilever greenwashing

NEWS AND COMMENT: Greenwashing is becoming or has become an important part of large commercial organisations. If they can’t genuinely make their products more environmentally friendly at least they can present the idea that they are environmentally friendly to the greater public through advertisements and …

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The moon is becoming polluted with human detritus

The moon is becoming polluted with human detritus and it will no doubt become worse over the next 30 or so years.

Unsatisfied with catastrophically polluting planet Earth by discharging billions of tons of plastic into the oceans and, equally, billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, humankind has turned its attention to the moon where after six manned missions exploring its surface they’ve left …

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China’s coal burning killing upwards of 64,000 babies in the womb each year

China has conflicting policies

NEWS AND OPINION: A Chinese study has found that China’s polluted air is killing upwards of 64,000 babies in the womb each year. The research comes from Peking University and is published in Nature Communications. China is ranked fourth in the world for the deaths …

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Post Category: Air pollution > coal burning