Tattooed male symbol crossed through indicates dog is neutered

I am not sure if part of this story is true or a bit of fun but it is interesting nonetheless. Apparently, in some places or countries, for neutered dogs a tattoo of the male gender symbol crossed through is made whereas for cats it is usually ear tipping in feral cats (tip of left ear amputated). Domestic cats don’t have a visible sign (except for the scar or lack of testes) on them if they have been spayed or neutered but it must depend on the location. Different rules for different places I guess.

Male sign crosses through to mean that cat has been neutered
Male sign crosses through to mean that cat has been neutered. Image: FB.

The picture it self-explanatory! Like I say I am unsure if it is true because a man would not do this unless he’s slightly stupid. Perhaps he has been neutered too! That is fanciful because it almost never happens. I have a page on how castration in men affects them. The idea was to try and figure out how male cats (or dogs) feel when they’ve been neutered. Very few people ask that question.


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Post Category: Dogs