Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control officers kick a dog

Nathan Winograd tells me in an email:

“Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control officers kick a dog who is being held down with a hard-wired noose around his neck. Although transparency helps keeps abuse in check, the Department is moving to eliminate it and it has the support of organizations like the ASPCA and Best Friends Animal Society to do it.”

I have searched for this story without success which is why I have relied upon Mr Winograd’s words. I subscribe to his email updates. I thought the story was interesting because here we have a professional person involved in “animal care” who appears, on the face of it, to be abusing a dog. I don’t know the background story and his actions may be justified but is this kind of behaviour ever justified? Probably not; but I understand, too, that people can become frustrated and temporarily lose self-control.

Here is a photograph also emailed to me by Mr Winograd:

Dog abuse LA
Dog abuse LA.? Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control officers kick a dog who is being held down with a hard-wired noose around his neck. Photo: Nathan Winograd email.


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