Bullfighter is either brave or cowardly in cancelling his wedding at the last minute

Bullfighter either brave or cowardly cancels his wedding at the last minute

A bullfighter lost his nerve when about to get married. Everything had been arranged and about 500 wedding guests had gathered at the church in the city of Jerez, Spain last Saturday when the bullfighter, Juan Ortega telephoned his bride and long-term partner, Carmen Otte to say that he was having doubts.

“We were all waiting outside the church when the WhatsApp arrived [his method of cancelling the wedding]. He didn’t convey any doubts the night before when we were partying with him. He was super happy, he danced with his girl.”

A wedding guest

Carmen is inconsolable while Ortega is either being praised for his bravery in cancelling at the 11th hour or criticised for losing his nerve when, as a bullfighter, he’s perfectly happy to face death in the bullring.

A Sage person said: “A complicated bull lasts 15 minutes; a marriage, for life.”

Carmen is a cardiologist from the city where the marriage was to take place. The story has caused a scandal in Spain and there are outpourings of sympathy for the bride.

RELATED: Mexico City: Judge extends ban on bullfighting indefinitely

Comment: the reason why it has touched a nerve is because bullfighting requires an awful lot of courage and so it seems does getting married! And for this esteemed bullfighter getting married was more dangerous than fighting a ball. I am being cruel and unfair because perhaps he simply had doubts and was perfectly willing to get married but decided that unless he was absolutely sure he shouldn’t go through with it, which I think is admirable.

Although he could have discussed the matter earlier and cancelled the wedding long before all the arrangements had been made and all the guests had turned up. The bride’s father once Ortega to foot the bill. Can you blame him?

Further comment: bullfighting is, for me, obscene and completely outmoded. It should have been banned many years ago in Spain and other countries where it takes place. It is very cruel and it can’t be justified other than for ostensibly cultural reasons and economic reasons.

RELATED: Madrid cancels dwarf bullfight show

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Post Category: Bulls