Ukrainian soldier, a former engineer and animal rescuer, killed fighting for his country

The tweet on Twitter/X by Anton Gerashchenko, for me, is poignant. This is a young man who just got married in September last year. His life was ahead of him. I am sure he had big plans or would have had but for this brutal European war that all of us never expected and which is killing so many good and innocent people in addition to the brave Ukrainian fighters defending their country from an illegal Russian invasion. Yes, I know Putin would hate to read that but that’s the truth.

This is a brilliant photo of him. It is sad, isn’t it? As Gerashchenko said, Ukraine is losing its best citizens. Pleasingly for me, Russia is losing more soldiers than Ukraine. By all reports Russia is losing many more and Putin is struggling to keep fresh supplies coming. He is freeing serious criminals to join the ranks and paying men three times the national average (around $2,000 per month, a lot in Russia) to fight and die.

Sviatoslav Romanchuk. A brave Ukrainian soldier, a former engineer and animal rescue worker who died defending his country
Sviatoslav Romanchuk. A brave Ukrainian soldier, a former engineer and animal rescue worker who died defending his country. Image: Twiter X.

I am mentioning Sviatoslav Romanchuk because he worked as a zoo rescuer of the “Kyiv Animal Rescue Group”. This makes him, for me, an animal lover and all animal lovers are, at heart, kind people.

And now at 28-years-of-age his life is over. Far too soon. His wife must be in bits.

May he live on the hearts of those he left behind. And may be rest in peace.

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