Dutch journalist, Lucas Waagmeester, captured some excellent video footage of a Mayfield, Kentucky woman being reunited with her dog, Nola, after she was lost during the devastating tornado which ripped up Mayfield and which devastated hundreds of miles of what is called Tornado Alley in middle and south America. The Mayfield animal shelter survived intact and is being heavily used as you might expect.
The Dutch journalist was walking down the street and this lady came up to her asking whether she had seen Nola. They were talking for a while as you can see on the video and then the Dutch journalist pointed towards a dog in the distance amongst the debris of what was once peoples’ homes. The woman immediately recognised her dog and charged off towards Nola screaming in delight. The video is quite emotional. The meeting with the Dutch journalist was very fortuitous for both parties because the journalist captured some really nice video material which has been seen, at the date of this post, 180,000 times with 403 comments.
You will notice the Dutch subtitles because it’s made for the Dutch market but they speak in English. We don’t know the name of the woman who found her dog. She must feel very lucky because she was walking down that horrific mess of what was once quiet suburbia thinking that she would never find her dog again. Was she alive? Did she escape and hide somewhere? When you look at all the destruction you wonder whether it is possible for a dog or cat to survive it. Many did because they are survivors.
We zijn in de stad Mayfield. Een stad die zwaar getroffen is door de tornado's. Lucas komt onderweg een vrouw tegen die op zoek is naar haar hond. Wat volgde was hartverwarmend ❤️
Posted by NOS on Sunday, December 12, 2021
Note: This is an embedded video from another website. Sometimes they are deleted at source or the video is turned into a link which stops it working here. I have no control over this.
The tornadoes have killed around 90 people, the last time I looked at the numbers. The dog owner told the journalists that a powerful tornado destroyed her home. She said that her house was blown 20 feet backwards from where it had previously stood. It started last Friday night and that’s when she lost her dog.
The power cut out and the house started to shake. The whole house was lifted up. When the house landed back on the ground, they were surrounded by gas and power lines.
I have a report on cat rescue after the tornadoes; the worst in a very, very long time in America. One of the great aspects of American life is that there are many animals loving volunteers who invariably offer their services in these dire times. They come together and rescue the animals, transporting them out of the area to make space at the Mayfield and other shelters for companion animals who need rescuing.
There is a great network including air travel to get cats to shelters out of the state where they can be adopted. I guess these dogs and cats are going to be placed in new homes which means they’ve lost their original owner. That’s my interpretation but I guess needs must as they say.
There simply isn’t enough space at the Mayfield shelter to accommodate all the existing animals in it plus the rescued animals after the tornadoes had passed through.
It’s quite rare to see this kind a reunion after a catastrophe like this. You get massive storms and huge fires in America. They’ve had both over the past 12 months. The American people bounce back and they work together well under these tough conditions.