Dachshunds are particularly popular at the moment, during coronavirus lockdowns. But they’ve always been popular. The second reason is layered over the first. The short legs of the Dachshund have been created through selective breeding with tunnelling duties in mind. The name of this dog …
NEWS AND COMMENT: Dan McClelland was the sheriff in Geauga County, Ohio, USA for 13 years and in the police force for 44 years. He loved his job and he was the owner of the world’s smallest police dog a Chihuahua-terrier called Midge. Midge was …
Sniffer dogs have proved to be more accurate than Covid-19 tests devised by scientists, which is why they are being deployed at places where normal testing is difficult such as at airports. They are being used already in some EU countries namely Belgium and Finland …
Scientists at Porton Down, the UK government’s top secret defence laboratory near Salisbury, are training specialist sniffer dogs to detect new variants of the zombie drug Spice. The dogs are to be deployed in prisons across the country to sniff out this drug. Comment: many …
NEWS AND COMMENT: News media is currently bombarding readers with news about dog theft in the UK. It appears to be an epidemic brought about by inflated prices for pedigree dogs because of demand and the increased demand has in turn been brought about by …
A recent study from Washington State University concluded that three factors influenced the success of the domestication of the dog. These are: The relationship between domestic dogs and women was beneficial to the dog-human relationship as it encouraged humans to regard dogs as a ‘type …
There is an increased demand for “lockdown pets”. These are companion animals designed to keep people company during these frequent lockdowns due to the coronavirus pandemic. There’s been a surge in demand for puppies and fancy-looking toy dogs such as small bulldogs which has fuelled …
Digital device detection dogs have protected people from sexual abuse by a man, Nicky Paul Mitchell, thirty-eight, who was under a sexual harm prevention order. He was obliged, under the order, to declare any Internet-enabled devices in his possession to his offender manager. He was …
Kruger National Park is about the size of Wales in the UK. They have a problem with poachers which is unsurprising considering the vastness of the park. Since 2010 more than 8,000 rhinos have been killed by poachers for their horns which are ground down …