World’s vital signs indicate great stress from humans

Our planet is in our hands

Humans are putting the planet under great stress as indicated by the world’s vital signs. The news today is that life on Earth is under siege from humans according to scientists and as reported in The Independent newspaper. We know about the record temperatures such …

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Retired man burned to death protecting his friend’s dog in the back of his car in the Hawaii wildfires

Trejos and Sam

You might have heard of the Hawaii wildfires. Specifically, they were on the island of Maui. They’ve claimed 96 lives so far. Jeff Bogar lived on the island. He is a retired Maui fire captain. His close friend was Franklin Trejos. All the accounts say …

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Rhodes wildfires killing animals and there are indications of arson

Rhodes wildfires are destroying the habitat of animals and killing them. There are reports of possible arson.

NEWS AND VIEWS – GREECE: The wildfires on the island of Rhodes, Greece, are all over the news media today because they are horrific. In the newspaper that I am reading, The Times, the articles concern the evacuation of tourist resorts by hordes of British …

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Post Category: Conservation