Tornado survivor in Mayfield, Kentucky is overwhelmed when she finds her dog

Kentucky woman reunited with her dog after tornado rips through Mayfield

Dutch journalist, Lucas Waagmeester, captured some excellent video footage of a Mayfield, Kentucky woman being reunited with her dog, Nola, after she was lost during the devastating tornado which ripped up Mayfield and which devastated hundreds of miles of what is called Tornado Alley in …

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From Texas to Florida: Couple drove more than 20 hours to reunite with dog stolen 6 years ago

stolen dog found

A Texas couple recently drove more than 20 hours to be reunited with their Chihuahua mix. who turned up over 1,000 miles from home. The 15-year-old dog was stolen from their backyard six years ago. The Vasquez family had given up hope of ever seeing …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Compassion