The group of four in the middle look like Samoyeds to me. Some more about the Samoyed dog breed I’m going to proceed on the premise that the four dogs in the picture above at the centre are Samoyeds. They are a medium-sized herding dog …
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Queen Elizabeth II is 94 years old and looking like she’s going to make a 100. She likes dogs particularly corgis and has owned 30 in her lifetime all of whom are believed to have been descended from Susan, a corgi given to the monarchy …
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NEWS AND VIEWS (COMMENT): The Kennel Club in the UK is in trouble again. A few years ago they were criticised for permitting and even encouraging, through breed standards, the breeding of unhealthy dogs which resulted in the BBC pulling out of filming the world’s …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.