At the moment, there is a philosophical debate on the Internet around Sam Kean’s book, Caesar’s Last Breath. The title continues with the following words: “Decoding the Secrets of the Air around Us”. He has a fascinating concept. Julius Caesar was murdered on March 15, …
Animal consciousness or animal self-consciousness (the same thing using a different description) is very complicated and it is an area of research in which science and philosophy intersect. They both play a role in assessing animal consciousness. Some websites like to list animals that have …
Fresh-faced William MacAskill occupies page 3 of The Times newspaper today, Saturday, October 8, 2022. And I’m pleased. He is an associate Prof at Oxford and the founder of the effective altruism (EA) movement. He became the youngest associate Prof of philosophy in the world …
I’ll start this discussion with the concept of the “carceral state“. It means a country where they punish people who are in breach of the criminal code by placing them in jail to put in simplistic terms. Or to put it another way it means …
Please view the video first! These are my observations on the video entitled “Are Humans More Valuable Than Animals?”. I am not a philosopher so my points are based on common sense. Mr Prager starts by discussing how people with secular values value the worth …