This is a nice example of improved wildlife conservation in the UK, something which always pleases me. SaxaVord Spaceport, are building a spaceport on the island of Unst, one of the Shetland Islands. It’s a remote place which I guess is why it was chosen …
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Yes, a citizen of Ohio can legally own an otter. This is because this wild species is not listed as a ‘dangerous wild animal’ under Section 935.01 ‘Definitions’ of the Dangerous Wild Animals and Restricted Snakes legislation. Of course, this also means that organisations such …
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This is a cute viral animal video on Twitter. It’s been converted to a .gif on the website. It’s done the rounds on the Internet and so a lot of people have seen it. You might have seen it. The sea otter has been …
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NEWS AND COMMENT-SINGAPORE BOTANIC GARDENS: A British expat, Graham Spencer, was attacked by a horde of 20 otters and bitten 26 times on his buttocks, ankles and legs after they rampaged over him while he was visiting the Singapore Botanic Gardens. He feared for his …
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Aty as a pet river otter. In the video you see him swimming at six a.m. in a very cold, crystal-clear mountain river having great fun. His human companion who has a blog and all the usual social media sites to feature his otter companion …
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There appears to be a craze in Japan for keeping otters as pets. It’s a dangerous craze because it could drive otters into extinction, conservationists have warned. Otter pups are taken from the wild, from their mothers in order to feed a commercial demand supplying …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.