The title is no understatement. For conservationists it is sickening. How much cocaine is being snorted by humans across the planet daily? We don’t know but we do know that the number of people dying from cocaine poisoning in the United States has been steadily …
NEWS AND OPINION: In instances when a wild animal being filmed by the BBC documentary television crew is suffering and perhaps likely to die because of man-made problems such as climate change, nowadays they intervene and help the animal to survive whereas in the past …
I’m going to refer to a study called Fabricating Strong and Stiff Bio Plastics from Whole Spirulina Cells. To me, that sounded a bit daunting but the study is very important and the scientists start off with the shocking introduction: “Since the 1950s, 8.3 billion …
My title is slightly exaggerated because when you look at the oceans today, they still look blue and the change to a greener hue cannot be detected by the human eye because it is too subtle but the change has taken place over the past …
There appears to be competition between two fish species for the record ocean depth for fish. The first is a species of cuskeel (family Ophidiidae) called Abyssobrotula galatheae. This 20 cm long fish was collected from the Puerto Rico Trench at a depth of 8,370 …
Dolphins have to shout at each other when trying to communicate as underwater noise has increased substantially because of increased human activity over the past decades. Sound travels well underwater which exacerbates the problem. In preindustrial times the oceans were much quieter than they are …
Like me, you may have found it difficult to understand why humans have to go down into the depths of the oceans in super-strong underwater capsules because the pressure is so great down there that it would crush them in a second while deep sea …
The UN declared the mouth of the leatherback turtle the most terrifying thing in the world. I’m not sure about that. I can think of more terrifying things but it is pretty horrible and it does attract one’s attention. Perhaps you had the same thought …
It is shocking to read in The Times that microplastic pollution has found its way into the Arctic Ocean, a place which should be pure. The destructive behaviour of humankind extends into the four corners of the planet. Nothing is sacred. Scientists have found that …