Cocaine in sharpnose sevengill sharks. A shocking discovery (infographic)

Sharpnose sevengill shark

The title is no understatement. For conservationists it is sickening. How much cocaine is being snorted by humans across the planet daily? We don’t know but we do know that the number of people dying from cocaine poisoning in the United States has been steadily …

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BBC wildlife documentary crews now intervene to save animals if the hazard is man-made

BBC television crews sometimes intervene to save wildlife when hazards are man-made

NEWS AND OPINION: In instances when a wild animal being filmed by the BBC documentary television crew is suffering and perhaps likely to die because of man-made problems such as climate change, nowadays they intervene and help the animal to survive whereas in the past …

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Oceans are turning green due to global warming

Climate change is blamed as the oceans become greener and it is frightening

My title is slightly exaggerated because when you look at the oceans today, they still look blue and the change to a greener hue cannot be detected by the human eye because it is too subtle but the change has taken place over the past …

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Dolphins shout to be heard over human-created ocean background noise

Dolphins have to shout to be heard over human-made ocean noise.

Dolphins have to shout at each other when trying to communicate as underwater noise has increased substantially because of increased human activity over the past decades. Sound travels well underwater which exacerbates the problem. In preindustrial times the oceans were much quieter than they are …

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Post Category: Plastic pollution