Vegan activist is allowed to sue employer over his protected beliefs

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Rafal Mysakowski, an ethical vegan, has been granted permission to sue his former employer, Broxburn Bottlers in West Lothian, Scotland. The case revolves around allegations of discrimination based on his beliefs, unfair dismissal, and detriment due to whistleblowing. Mysakowski’s case is notable as it touches …

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In Slovakia, there have been two recent bear attacks within a span of three days

Brown bear walks down a street in the Slovakian town of Liptovsky Mikulas where it attacked five people but not very seriously according to reports

In Slovakia, there have been two recent bear attacks within a span of three days: The situation is concerning, and authorities are actively addressing it. Residents are advised to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to avoid further incidents. Sources: 6 internet sources including the BBC and …

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