Mystery of serial offender dumping animal carcasses in villages?

Serial offender may be dumping animal bodies in villages

Residents in Broughton, Hampshire were left shocked and disturbed when dozens of dead animals were callously dumped outside a village shop. This incident marks the second sick attack targeting the area. The gruesome scene included bloodied carcasses strewn across the streets and pavements, with an eerie twist: the offenders had impaled an owl and kestrel on the …

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Lionesses dash home to their dogs and avoid waiting fans at Heathrow

Fans of the Lionesses wait at Heathrow in vain to see their heroes arrived back from Australia. The picture is in the public domain in my view.

The woman’s England football team, called the Lionesses, are glad to be home and reunited with their companion animals which, in the case of Millie Bright, the captain, and the forwards Chloe Kelly and Rachel Daly means dog companions. They’ve posted pictures on their Instagram …

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The Mayor of London’s Ulez scheme reduces nitrogen dioxide by less than 3%

NEWS AND VIEWS: There are many people who believe that the Mayor of London’s Ulez scheme is about making money and that it will not significantly improve the air quality in London. The Times has a report on Monday, August 21, 2023 which supports that …

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Clickbait news media claim a dog is a chupacabra, a mysterious blood-sucking creature

Chupacabra or a coydog?

NEWS AND COMMENT-HILL COUNTRY VILLAGE, TEXAS, USA: This is one of those ridiculous clickbait stories which irritate me. The headline is that a four-legged chupacabra was spotted in a garden and it terrified the house owner. She managed to photograph the animal. And what we …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Humans > behaviour