I am always astonished and deeply disturbed to read that in the UK, taxpayers are funding what I describe as a deeply flawed process designed to curb climate change but in my view which makes matters far worse. The whole concept is frankly sheer madness. …
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Are hydrogen cars more environmentally friendly than EVs? I don’t know and there is a difference of opinion between the experts so how are we, the public, to know? This science is going to very complicated and to decide which is better, EVs or hydrogen …
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Google’s heavy reliance on AI for its services has contributed to its carbon footprint. In the words of a Times headline, “Google blames AI as its green carbon targets go up in smoke”. Global warming is the biggest single threat to wildlife on the planet …
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Shipping powered by diesel engines pollute the environment. This includes air pollution, water pollution and acoustic and oil pollution. It is said that ships are responsible for more than 18% of nitrogen oxides pollution and 3% of greenhouse gas emissions. It is said that this …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.