I have created an infographic which I hope explains the step-by-step evolutionary process that Professors John Martin and Paolo D’Avino of the University College London and at Cambridge (respectively) have hypothesized. Blood clotting is essential for life. Without it we would all die cutting ourselves …
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Each group of blue whales in a specific region has their own unique style of vocalisation. A new song has been heard in the “northernmost reaches of the Arabian Sea, as far south as the Chagos Islands and in the Mozambique Channel west of Madagascar.” …
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New research from Curtin University, Perth, Australia tells us that Southern Australian long-finned pilot whales employ copycat techniques to mimic the calls of killer whales in order to improve their chance of survival because killer whales prey on them. Also, in mimicking their sounds it …
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Background Scientists had once thought that sociable mammals only came into being after the dinosaurs became extinct about 66 million years ago. They also thought that sociability occurred mostly in the Placentalia of which humans are part. These mammals carried a foetus in their womb. …
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A rather cute, mouse-like creature with a long, flexible snout, which can propel itself to speeds of 20 mph with its tiny legs and which is called the Somali elephant shrew is not extinct because they have been seen at last. It is a great …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.