This is a storm in a teacup but the press like to get hold of it so I’m reporting it as well. The world knows that President Biden and his family have two dogs. Major, a German shepherd, is the younger at three years old. …
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Greg Kelly, the host of Newsmax was having a bit of fun, admittedly, when he insinuated that President Biden’s dog Champ looks untidy, dirty and unkempt. In short, he looks a bit rough, a bit like a junkyard dog so what is going on? Kelly …
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I’m told, but it needs to be confirmed, that Kamala Harris likes dogs although she does not live with a companion animal at present, to the best of my knowledge. I will write some more on this later but I wanted to quickly touch base …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.