In the US, Thanksgiving this year is Thursday 24th November. It’s a time to roast and carve up the turkey. The problem is that turkeys are far more sentient than many people realise. And in line with the fact that turkeys like an occasional cuddle, …
Dog owners are more likely to anthropomorphise their pets than cat owners according to a study as long ago as 1968. This is hardly surprising since dogs are pack animals and they look up to the alpha dog i.e. the human owner. The dog is …
What do you think? All I can say is that, for me, this is a charming video. The woman says that her rats make a happy. It is a statement with which you can’t argue and you can only be happy for her. Did my …
Joar Berge (moustache_farmer) is an unusual farmer. He forms very close relationships with his animals and in this video, we see him with a bull he has named Mogli. He tells us that two years ago he carried Mogli home in his arms as “You …
NEWS AND COMMENT-LONDON, UK: Louisa Connolly-Burnham is an actress who has featured in hit shows such as Call the Midwife. She has a successful TikTok channel about a female fox she calls Phil who she has befriended. The friendship struck up pretty easily as the …
It is International Day for Biological Diversity and people ask what is commensalism. The search engine, Bing, has an example on the home page today which is a downloadable wallpaper photograph by Richard du Toit/Minden Pictures. It’s a great photograph of a Burchell’s zebra stirring …
A classic cat/horse relationship of which there are many. Cats and horses go together despite the huge barrier of size-difference. This makes nuzzling and snuggling up tricky to say the least. Invariably the cat jumps onto a fence as we see here. At one stage …
Unlike domestic cats, domestic dogs have a face-full of fast twitch muscles which enable them to have expressive faces and rapid barks. Their bark is entirely different to that of their wild ancestor the wolf. Wolf bark compared to the domestic dog bark And it …
Coolest little frog in the jungle. Or maybe he/she is a toad. I have no idea. I don’t have any information about the video except that it was uploaded by an Indian Forest Service official, Susanta Nanda. So, this is India. It does not help …