Ontario’s extremist sport hunters enjoy ‘penned dog hunting’

Penned dog hunting in Ontario is cruel and objectionable

This is another form of gratuitous violence against wild animals enjoyed by a small section of society in Ontario, Canada; the extremist sport hunters. They are a blood thirsty lot, aren’t they? Without morals and any vestige of sensitivity towards the sentience of animals. Their …

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Hunters shoot exhausted stag at close range after 3-hour chase with dogs

Stag hunter shoots exhausted stag at close range and then slit its throat while other watched

NEWS AND COMMENT: Background info: In the UK, the Hunting Act 2004 (the ‘Act’) outlawed the hunting of mammals with dogs. However, there are exemptions, and it is these exemptions which provide loopholes to unscrupulous fox and deer hunters in their countryside pastimes. The Act …

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Foxhunter petulantly strikes his horse with a whip and a foxhunt worker violently swears at a hunt saboteur

Violent, aggressive foxhunt worker intimidates female hunt saboteur with ranting and raving and a clenched fist. She stands her ground.

This is a shocking video made by a foxhunt saboteur, a woman actually. She films a middle-aged man struggling with his horse. He is on the ground trying to control his horse who is uncooperative. He is exasperated and there is a meanness in his …

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Post Category: Foxes