3 steps to the end of your world: isolation, synchronised chaos and civil war

Three stages to anarchy

In The Times today, there’s an article with the title, “Four meals away from anarchy”. It jogged my memory because I watched a film yesterday, Leave the World Behind, which is currently in the news media and which stars one of my favourite actresses, Julia …

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If humankind can figure out a way to put 12 of us on the moon and bring them back safely to earth, we can solve anything

If humankind can figure out a way to put 12 of us on the moon and bring them back safely to earth we can solve anything

The words in the title come from Tom Hanks when he closes the inspiring film The Moonwalkers (50 mins). It gets a five star rating in The Times today and it’s being shown at the Lightroom NIC in King’s Cross, London. I think I will …

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Human life extinct in 250m years max.

The world 250 million years from now

A lot of people think that humankind will likely be extinct well before the end of the next 250 million years. However, a new scientific research project published in the journal Nature Geoscience ran computer simulations to predict future climatic conditions and the positions of …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Humans > religion