Providing correct habitat is key for bird conservation

Red-backed shrike

In Sussex, UK, a nice bit of successful bird conservation is taking place. It concerns the butcher bird (or butcherbird) – the red-backed shrike – which was abundant across England and Wales in the 19th century. Pressure from egg collectors and intensified agricultural practices caused …

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Giant panda edging away from extinction due to Chinese conservation efforts

Giant Panda

The giant panda is, in my words, edging away from the possibility of extinction thanks to captive breeding programs by the Chinese and overall efforts in terms of their conservation. Chinese scientists in China are pleased with the rise in the number of giant pandas. …

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Wildlife crossings: beauty, functionality and conservation in one

Beautiful wildlife crossing, Netherlands

There is a photograph of a wildlife crossing in Wierden, Netherlands, which dresses up the home page of Microsoft’s Bing search engine. I noticed how beautiful it looked. This one seems to traverse a standard country road by which I mean not a dual carriageway. …

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Post Category: Conservation