Lionesses dash home to their dogs and avoid waiting fans at Heathrow

Fans of the Lionesses wait at Heathrow in vain to see their heroes arrived back from Australia. The picture is in the public domain in my view.

The woman’s England football team, called the Lionesses, are glad to be home and reunited with their companion animals which, in the case of Millie Bright, the captain, and the forwards Chloe Kelly and Rachel Daly means dog companions. They’ve posted pictures on their Instagram …

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Nike will stop using kangaroo leather in its products by the end of 2023

Kangaroo leather football boots will no longer be made by Nike by the end of 2023

NEWS AND OPINION: Nike has announced that it will stop using kangaroo leather (K-leather) in all of its products which of course includes football boots, by the end of 2023 and will be using synthetic materials instead for the uppers. Nike is following in the …

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