Evolutionary leap in ancient ancestor of platypus paved way for existence of humans

Evolution of humans originates in single leap of evolution in an ancestor of the platypus

I have created an infographic which I hope explains the step-by-step evolutionary process that Professors John Martin and Paolo D’Avino of the University College London and at Cambridge (respectively) have hypothesized. Blood clotting is essential for life. Without it we would all die cutting ourselves …

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Bird plumage made less colourful by global warming

Eurasian Blue tit

After a 15-year study from 2005-2019 scientists from UPV/EHU and the Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Évolutive in Montpellier (CEFE-CNRS) Decided that global warming is making the plumage of blue tits less colourful. They call this a “plastic change” as opposed to a genetic change in …

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Dogs’ facial fast twitch muscles provides them with expressions which entice us

Doe-eyed dog

Unlike domestic cats, domestic dogs have a face-full of fast twitch muscles which enable them to have expressive faces and rapid barks. Their bark is entirely different to that of their wild ancestor the wolf. Wolf bark compared to the domestic dog bark And it …

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