Perhaps this is something we already realise and if that is the case this study confirms it. Mammals in groups live the longest. The study found a link between the social organisation of mammals and their life spans. This is a Chinese study by researchers …
I have created an infographic which I hope explains the step-by-step evolutionary process that Professors John Martin and Paolo D’Avino of the University College London and at Cambridge (respectively) have hypothesized. Blood clotting is essential for life. Without it we would all die cutting ourselves …
A research study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal, reveals that the Puerto Rican crested anole (a small green-brown lizard) has evolved over a very short period of 80 years to better survive in the human environment. The scientists looked …
A short article in The Times newspaper today says that the dinosaurs were at their peak moment in the history of the planet when this enormous asteroid hit and put them under a dust cloud that shrouded the entire earth resulting in their ultimate extinction. …
Evolution has resulted in the great grey owl developing advanced, scientific skills to detect voles 50 cm below the snow just by the sound that they make. And it is doubly astonishing they can do this because snow this deep is a great sound dampener …
Everybody is familiar with the accident at reactor four of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986. There is a film about it which is excellent by the way. It released the largest amount of radioactive material into the environment in human history. And still, …
After a 15-year study from 2005-2019 scientists from UPV/EHU and the Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Évolutive in Montpellier (CEFE-CNRS) Decided that global warming is making the plumage of blue tits less colourful. They call this a “plastic change” as opposed to a genetic change in …
The Killdeer is a large plover found in the Americas. It was given its name when scientists heard its call and they thought that it sounded like it was saying “kill-deer”. It’s a simple as that! But some people in their commentaries on videos about …
Unlike domestic cats, domestic dogs have a face-full of fast twitch muscles which enable them to have expressive faces and rapid barks. Their bark is entirely different to that of their wild ancestor the wolf. Wolf bark compared to the domestic dog bark And it …