Young man despondent about climate change takes his own life

Theo Khelfoune Ferreras was left feeling anxious about the worsening climate crisis and took his life

It is believed that this is the first case of a person ending their life because of a despondency about climate change. The Telegraph reports that 19 year old Greenpeace activist, Theo Khelfoune Ferreras, a film student from Walthamstow, took his life because of the …

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Millions of dead fish blanket the Darling River, Australia due to climate change and mismanagement

Millions of dead fish blanket the Darling River in Australia due to mismanagement and climate change.

There is a pretty shocking photograph on the Internet today of millions of small dead fish blanketing the Darling River in western New South Wales which has clearly become uninhabitable. The fish species are herring, perch and carp for example. One local person, Graeme McCrabb …

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Tom Cruise denied access to Svalbard for filming with helicopters because of the polar bears

Svalbard polar bear capital of the world which Tome Cruise wants to exploit

Svalbard, Norway, is an Arctic Archipelago. It is said to be the polar bear capital of the world with a polar bear population of 3000 and the human population of 2700. Tom Cruise is filming the eighth instalment of Mission Impossible. It is called Mission: …

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Wind turbine noise threatens Galicia’s ancestral wild horses

Galicia's wind turbines are said to harm the welfare of the wild horses

The Times reports that local people in Galicia in north-west Spain believe that the noise of wind turbines is jeopardising the survival of their ancestral wild horses. In this beautiful, wild and open yet windy landscape, a wild horse herd belongs to a village, Sabucedo. …

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“Scruff” the eco-dog fetches plastic bottles for recycling

Scruff picks up yet another plastic bottle

NEWS AND COMMENT-UK: Scruff is a border collie, a dog breed known for intelligence. He is using his intelligence to make the environment where he lives more ecologically friendly. He seems very strongly motivated to pick up any plastic bottle that he can see and, …

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Post Category: Farming