I can refer to 3 studies which tell us how often coyotes kill domestic cats to feed. In one study in Tucson, Arizona, they concluded that domestic, stray and feral cats represented 42% of the coyote diet. They don’t differentiate in the reports that I …
This is an Infographic which is headed with the title “The Most Expensive Pets in the World”. It is dated 2022. The date is important because prices go up universally and perpetually because of inflation. Inflation is a natural consequence of capitalism. The person who …
All the experts and the veterinarians say that if you are going to embark on a weight loss program for your overweight domestic cat you should do it gently because too-rapid weight loss can result in serious metabolic problems such as hepatic lipidosis, which is …
It is a fallacy that domestic cats don’t like water or that they are scared of it. We don’t need the video below to support this argument but it makes a nice video nonetheless. It depends upon the individual cat as to whether they like …
Late in the day, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) decided to condemn the declawing of wild cats because they couldn’t see any reason for doing it. There is positively no reason for declawing wild cats. Therefore they have to condemn it. In fact they …
NEWS AND VIEWS: This is a cross post because I think the issue needs to be flagged up as strongly as possible. Some very high-profile and well-known cat and dog skin parasite treatments such as Frontline and Advantage contain strong pesticide chemicals such as fipronil …
@lemonletterBuy a normal lamp and keep your kitties safe! ##cat ##fyp ##staysafe ##love ##Affirmations♬ Send Me on My Way – Guy Meets Girl The lamps are made from blocks of salt which can be lethal to cats. Apparently a New Zealand pet owner almost lost …
What’s so good about this video? For me, it is the gentleness and the patience of this guy who trains his cats informally. There’s nothing disciplinarian about it. It just happens and his cats guide him. He brings them into his life. Whatever he’s doing …
It just isn’t worth being ambitious any more. The work ethic does not produce the desired result sufficiently often, which is success in the workplace. That appears to be the conclusion of the millennials in the UK. I’m referring to young people born after 2000. …