A dental study on six black labradors is in the process of taking place at Gothenburg University, Sweden. The dogs have to be killed in order to assess the success of the process being tested. They had a third of their teeth pulled and replaced …
NEWS AND COMMENT: The Iranian government is living in the 7th century CE in banning dog walking in Tehran, the capital. Today, it is almost impossible to be a dog owner in Iran because the animal is regarded as unclean and not to be touched …
The dog walking smart phone app called Wag works a bit like Uber cars. You can commission a qualified dog walker from your smart phone. On this occasion it went badly wrong. Nick and Sara Moore, from Huston in Texas, commissioned a Wag dog walker …
I am reading an article from the Mail Online Dated 28 April 2013. It is just before the time that Romania joined the European Union. Members of the European Union need to be in alignment on a whole range of issues including animal welfare. This …