Scientists have revealed that dogs on a diet which reduced food intake by 25% noticeably increased their average lifespan and, in addition, the permanent diet delayed the onset of signs of chronic disease. The study strongly indicates that companion dogs should be on a 25% …
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NEWS AND COMMMENT: Spanish law will guarantee a doggy bag with dinner. In Spain, bars and restaurants will have to inform customers that they have the right to leave with leftovers in a doggy bag as part of nationwide efforts to reduce waste. I like …
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It is that time of year when there are a lot of foods in the kitchen and dining room which are tasty to humans and toxic to dogs. The infographic prepared by me highlights 5 foods that are in this category. Domestic dogs eat instinctively …
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The world and his dog know that chocolate is toxic to dogs. And I guess we all know that tinfoil is also very hazardous to dogs when ingested. Unfortunately, Hugo didn’t know that. He appears to be a gluttonous Staffordshire bull terrier of six-years-of age …
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I was prompted to ask the question in the title because a person on had feverishly written, “HELP!! My dog ate a weed muffin.” The person’s dog became sleepy and he could not stand. He vomited twice and puked a huge hairball the second …
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Showing struvite crystals in the urine of a 3.5 year old dog. The photograph is published with the kind permission of Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic. It is published on their Flickr website page. VAC hospitals tells me that struvite crystals can form in a dog’s …
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The US Food And Drug Administration federal agency (FDA) released their initial findings regarding grain free diets on Thursday, June 27. This is a reference to grain free pet food diets. The Cuyahoga Falls veterinary practice usefully discusses this topic. They say that there is …
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Carrots are a perfectly good food for dogs. They are a low-calorie source of food, high in fibre to aid digestion and they can help prevent dental disease. It is recommended that you chop them up. I’m not sure that that advice is always correct …
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My research indicates that a dog should eat a minimum of 4% protein by weight but other sources tell me this figure should be nearer 18%.
Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.