Retired man burned to death protecting his friend’s dog in the back of his car in the Hawaii wildfires

Trejos and Sam

You might have heard of the Hawaii wildfires. Specifically, they were on the island of Maui. They’ve claimed 96 lives so far. Jeff Bogar lived on the island. He is a retired Maui fire captain. His close friend was Franklin Trejos. All the accounts say …

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Hand of GOD or hand of DOG? Woman’s Doberman finds one in 22 million match!

Katie James right and Lucy Humphrey with Indie in the middle

This is a good feel story about two women and a Doberman dog. It starts off, for me, with Lucy Humphrey, 44, who was looking for a kidney donor because her kidneys were failing as a result of suffering from lupus, an autoimmune disease. The …

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Banning specific dog breeds or focusing on responsible dog ownership?

Pitbull dog

Nathan Winograd has been strongly arguing for some time now that it is immoral and ineffective to ban certain dog breeds and instead the focus should be on dog caregiving and ensuring that it is responsible so that individual dogs behave in an acceptable way. …

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Enterprising woman carries her 52-pound Samoyed dog in a backpack on NYC subway

52-pound dog carried in backpack on NYC subway

This enterprising woman, Jackie Hornung, carries her 52-pound white Samoyed dog in a backpack to beat the NYC subway rules which state: “No person may bring any animal on our into any conveyance or facility unless enclosed in a container.” – MTA. A lot of …

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Post Category: Dogs > dog behaviour