All our environmental problems become easier to solve with fewer people

Exponential human population growth since 10,000 BC. Screenshot.

Sir David Attenborough says on his website that, “All our environmental problems become easier to solve with fewer people, and harder – and ultimately impossible – to solve with ever more people.” He isn’t the only one who thinks that. But Melanie Phillips writing in …

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Lenient sentences handed down to owners whose dogs injure or kill people in the UK

Lenient sentences handed down to owners whose dogs injure or kill people in the UK

The Times conducted an investigation which revealed that lenient sentences are being handed down to owners whose dogs injure or kill people in the UK. One example is published today by the newspaper, Tuesday, August 15, 2023. Blizzard attacks Kyra It concerns the parents of …

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Is China trying to produce animal serial killers?!

Young serial killers of China

This short video is on Twitter where there is a lot freedom thanks to Elon Musk to publish videos that would be barred on sites such as mine because my hosting company don’t allow it. People don’t realise how heavily I am censored by a …

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Picture of a boy praying with his dog lifts the spirit

Photo of a dog praying with a boy

In a sombre world where many things are happening which can make us anxious and despondent such as the pandemic and the Ukraine war, we need this kind of photograph to lift our spirits and remind ourselves that there is a lot of good stuff …

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Climate change is making children depressed

Kids depressed over climate change

I have generalised in the title but I want to make the point that the adult humans of this planet through their carelessness and lack of foresight have led children down the path of global warming which is making them depressed. It is the children …

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Child strikes dog with plastic bottle for fun. “Parents teach your children”.

Child hits a dog in a public place for no reason

Being a grumpy old man never having had children, I dislike children! I know some people will dislike me for saying that but I’ve done it. One reason is because they almost inevitably misbehave. And the reason behind that is poor parenting. This is a …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Dogs > dog attack