Tying up your dog outside the supermarket is illegal in Spain (€10,000 fine!)

A crime in Spain to leave your dog tied up outside the supermarket

The Times reports a rather surprising animal welfare law which apparently has just come into force in Spain which makes tying up your dog outside the supermarket while you pop in a crime. And it’s punishable by a hefty fine of a maximum €10,000 ($10,500). …

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Training American XL bully dogs to be weapons

American XL bully

NEWS AND COMMENT: The American XL bully dog story is worse than we thought. This type of dog is going to be banned in the UK because it is killing and injuring people and their pets. The shocking news today is that this dog type …

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One of Australia’s leading greyhound trainers kicks, punches, drags and beats puppies and dogs

Greyhound trainer kicks greyhound

The Animal Save Movement on Twitter says this about the video: This footage was recently filmed over a 2.5-week period at the property of one of Australia’s leading greyhound trainers. It shows dogs and puppies being kicked, punched, dragged and beaten. If this is the …

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Culture change in China desired as indicated by support of fan’s football pitch invasion

Security guards enjoying the moment

An 18-year-old football fan who idolises Lionel Messi, the world’s most famous and perhaps most talented footballer and an Argentinian team member, has captured the imagination of the Chinese public by bravely jumping down from the stands in a dangerous manoeuvre and running onto the …

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Discussing animal welfare almost pointless when Putin raises spectre of nuclear war

Putin raises the spectre of nuclear war in Europe

NEWS AND VIEWS: The terrorist state called Russia, run by the paranoid dictator Putin and his sidekick Medvedev may lead us to nuclear war and at the least the destruction of vital undersea cables serving the UK, Europe and the US. Putin has been threatening …

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Piglet tail docking is unethical from two standpoints

Piglet tail-docking

Just like dogs, pigs use their tails to express their emotions, wagging them when happy and hiding them between their legs when they are stressed or scared. Yet this [tail docking] is done to piglets without aesthetic. – Kim Rathbone on Twitter I’ve just bumped …

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Stop using phrases and words which perpetuate violence against animals say PETA

More than one way to skin a cat

The establishment, the mainstream news media and the unenlightened are taking the mickey out of PETA for trying to change the deeply ingrained human habit of using animals in sayings, phrases and words within a sporting context (and generally) which indirectly devalues animals and thereby …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Animal cruelty