Tone of the human voice affects emotional state of domestic animals including horses

Talking to your horse in melodious tones is the right way

Domestic animal caregivers should talk to their animal companions politely in melodious and pleasant tones as they know when you’re angry and when you are expressing that anger in your voice. As a result, they become upset according to a study of horses and pigs. …

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Goldfish stroller – Taiwanese man takes his goldfish for a stroll

Goldfish stroller by Huang Xiaojie

This inventive and talented manufacturer from Taiwan who has an active channel on YouTube, Huang Xiaoije, decided to make a goldfish stroller in his workshop. It is technically quite advanced with a clever lighting system so that his exotic goldfish glow in their bubbly and …

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Ukraine war: early stages show people walking dogs watching exploding missiles like firework displays

Mig 29 over Ukraine in early stages of the war

Watching BBC reporters in Ukraine reporting on the just-commenced war felt as if I was watching a reality television show. The presenters were on a roof and the sirens were blaring. There was the sound of explosions in the background. They put their flak jackets …

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Norway effectively bans British bulldogs and Cavalier King Charles spaniels

British Bulldog

NEWS AND COMMENT-NORWAY: We know that the British bulldog is selectively bred to extreme to have brachycephalic features, the side effect of which is to create an inherently unhealthy animal that can’t breathe freely. The Cavalier King Charles spaniel is also inherently unhealthy for different …

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‘Pony puncher’, Sarah Moulds, has been charged with animal cruelty

Woman foxhunter slaps horse in face and kicks it as it was uncooperative

NEWS AND COMMENT-UK: You may have read Sarah Moulds’s story. I wrote about it some time ago (click here if you wish to read the backstory). It was well discussed in news media. She is a primary school teacher or was. She was a follower …

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Xenotransplantation in action: a gene-edited pig’s heart transplanted into a 57-year-old man

The science of xenotransplantation in this case a pig's heart, genetically modified, transplanted into a 57-year-old man David Bennett senior

Perhaps you have read about this. It is history in the making. I’m not sure how good it is, though. Recently in the United States, the medical world was revolutionised when a team led by Professor Bartley Griffith at the University of Maryland Medical Centre …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Animal rights