Training American XL bully dogs to be weapons

American XL bully

NEWS AND COMMENT: The American XL bully dog story is worse than we thought. This type of dog is going to be banned in the UK because it is killing and injuring people and their pets. The shocking news today is that this dog type …

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In the UK, lab animals are not protected by major animal welfare legislation

Beagles in animal testing

This is a weakness in UK animal welfare in my view. It’s a weakness in the legislation which has been highlighted by Laura Harris MP in the House of Commons in a debate which was very sparsely populated by members of Parliament by the way. …

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Woman on mobility scooter drags her dog behind her (video)

This is a cross post from my main website PoC. I think that it is worth posting twice because it’s an interesting case of negligence really. An elderly woman is on a mobility scooter on the road and tethered to that mobility scooter is her …

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Post Category: Dogs > dog ownership