The video summaries the issues nicely. It is about management or the lack of it. There has to be transparency and an open attitude in which scrutiny is ongoing. It appears that the previous manager played games and hid nasty details such as not telling …
Rudolph, a 7 to 8 month old black dog, survived being euthanized by a veterinarian. The veterinarian refused to try to kill him again so he survived and Rudolph is now up for adoption. He is at the Kings Harvest Pet Rescue No Kill Shelter …
What is unethical behaviour at animal shelters? It’s probably a philosophical question but I’ll try and stick to real situations. And I’m not sure that there are any absolute wrongs and rights in this discussion. How pragmatic must managers at animal shelters be? We live …
The millions of cats and dogs that pass through animal shelters in the United States annually are commercial assets if you look at them that way. I am not suggesting that you should but under financial pressure shelter managers might, and in doing so it …