DON’T watch this video of a piglet crying out for their mum. JUST DON’T.

All the devils are on planet Earth

PETA UK – Crying out for their mum, quivering on a faeces-soaked floor, struggling with all their might to stand up – remember them next time you see bacon. I can’t add many more words. It’s too damaging to my mental health. It’s is pure …

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Putting calves in tiny enclosures after being torn from their mums is cruel and unproductive

Calves separated from their mothers are placed in tiny enclosures

PETA says: Dairy farming is a cruel industry that profits from the exploitation and suffering of animals. Mother cows and their calves are separated, the milk meant for these babies is taken for human consumption (bad idea – see end of page). Go vegan. I …

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The most frightening film you can watch is what happens to animals destined to become “meat”

Become vegan

Become a vegan. Even though I was raised on meat and two veg and therefore it is deeply embedded in my psyche, I am gradually tearing myself away from that state of mind. This picture is mind bending. It gave me goose bumps. It pushed …

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Macedonia’s legalised brutality against stray dogs

Shooting of stray dogs in Macedonia

Struge It has come to my notice that in parts of Macedonia (at least) the authorities have instigated the mass killing of stray dogs by it seems any means possible; often by shooting. For instance, there is a petition on the website after the …

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How can the 10-day dog meat market in Yulin be called a FESTIVAL!?

Yulin cat and dog meat festival

Twitter tweet says: #Yulin 2023, 21st June to 30th June, 10 days where eating dogs becomes a ‘festival’. The dog meat trade occurs every day but during these dates torture and killing is celebrated by this ‘festival’. This tweet opened my eyes on the bizarre …

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Cultural sensitivities allow Vietnamese dog meat traders to barbarically kill dogs

Dog in cage in Vietnam waiting to be brutally slaughtered for their flesh to feed humans

Twitter understands me! Whenever I go to Twitter, they offer up to me images that incense me. They drive me to blog about them. To rage inside. To cry inside. To feel powerless. To feel impotent. I can’t stop this Vietnamese dog cruelty. Just writing …

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Post Category: Animal cruelty