NEWS AND COMMENT: This is another episode in the XL bullies saga. You may know that from last Sunday XL bullies were banned in the UK under specific legislation. But those who own XL bullies can keep them under tight regulations and with a licence.

But we are now told by The Times that this dangerous dog is still being advertised online despite a ban on selling or exchanging them which has come into force as mentioned. It appears that we have an enforcement problem which doesn’t surprise me because it is very difficult to enforce regulations regarding social media websites because they are so vast. There’s just too much going on, for example, on Facebook. A mountain of posts and articles and images are uploaded daily.
RELATED: Unscrupulous people making money out of the euthanasia of XL bully dogs
It appears that some XL bully owners are behind the curve in dealing with the new legislation and are desperately finding ways to off-load their dogs in what is now an illegal way on social media.
For example, in one Facebook post a new home was sought on Sunday for a dog in Northampton called Enzo.
In another example, an XL bully owner said that the person from whom she acquired the dog had lied to her (presumably about the dog’s breed). The dog’s name is Bronx. The person said: “Unfortunately he [the dog] has bitten my dog. He’s reactive outside towards animals and people. The whole street is on high alert, and I fear he will be seized.”
The new restrictions don’t apply in Scotland which has led some owners in England and Wales to offer their XL bullies to people in Scotland.
The RSPCA has warned that rescue centres may be unable to take in XL bully dogs because a possible surge in relinquishments.
On ethical grounds, some veterinary surgeons are refusing to euthanise XL bullies but they been advised to consider euthanasia from their owners.
RELATED: How do I apply for a Certificate of Exemption to keep an XL bully dog in England and Wales?
There is no obligation to euthanise these dogs according to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. They added that, “The owner’s wishes and circumstances should also always be taken into account, particularly if public safety and/or the animal’s welfare could be compromised should the request be refused.”
In Chadderton, Greater Manchester, not long before Christmas, 18 suspected XL bully dogs were seized together with drugs and ammunition on a raid by police, the RSPCA and trading standards officers.
The XL bully is now on the dangerous dogs list as per the Dangerous Dogs Act. That’s been the case since October 31 last year.
From February 1, 2023, all dogs of this breed must be registered. The owners must have public liability insurance. They must be micro-chipped and there are numerous other regulations to retain ownership. Dogs more than 12 months of age must be neutered by June 30.