The caption to the picture by the Defense of Ukraine is: Left alone. A dog that miraculously survived today’s attacks lies in the ruins of the house in which his owners died. 5 civilians were killed as a result of Russia’s missile strike in Zolochiv district of Lviv region. In Moscow, this murder is being called “retribution”. What’s going to happen to this cute dog? All alone. No one to care for him. He is resting on the remnants of his owners belongings both for physical and emotional comfort. It is tragic. Too much animal suffering to add to the human suffering.
Many pets have been abandoned. Many, too, have been taken away to other countries where their owners have temporarily settled. There is no other way to describe Putin’s actions: mass murder on a gargantuan scale not seen since Stalin’s days. Perhaps he thinks he is Stalin. He claims to love animals. Laugh. He’s a cold-hearted psychopath. As mad as a fruitcake.
If you are using a desktop or laptop computer you can enlarge the image by clicking on it. It is a good one although incredibly sad.

We do not know how many animals have been killed during Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. It is likely to be in the hundreds of thousands when you factor in all the domestic animals killed with their owners when shells and rockets blasted into apartment blocks, the farm animals in the zoo animals. An early estimate from months ago claimed 300,000 had been killed at that time.
And those that have survived have often been injured and failed to survive thereafter because they have no caregiver. The amount of suffering is immense. Let’s remember them. Some people care for the survivors. One is an 11-year-old girl who lost her home to a Russian shell.
11-year-old Ukrainian girl takes on responsibility of feeding abandoned cats in devastated Ukraine