Oman: two British teachers accused of theft after rescuing two dogs

Jennifer Green, 33, and her female friend are currently in a hellhole jail in Oman because they have been locked up after being accused of stealing two dogs when they claim they were rescuing them after they had been left out in scorchingly high temperatures by their owner.

Mrs Green says that she was rescuing two dogs but has been accused of their theft. Photo: uncredited in

It looks as though the owner reported them to the police. The women are employed by the British Council in Muscat. They are English language teachers.

Both women were initially released after they agreed to pay the dogs’ owner or owners £4,000, which in itself is extraordinary but the matter deteriorated when a judge asked the police to investigate whether they had been drinking alcohol.

Mr Green is planning to fly to Oman to support his wife. He is extremely worried as is the entire family.

“I am really worried and so is the entire family. Initially she was just brought to the police station but was let go. She phoned me when she was released and she didn’t seem too bothered about it at the time but it has obviously escalated since then.”

Mr Green

The British Council is trying to help Mrs Green. They are aware of the incident but they can’t discuss the details and are waiting for due process to take place by the Omani authorities.


I’m told that Oman has quite relaxed attitudes towards buying and drinking alcohol compared to other countries in the Middle East. It is widely available. And there are licensed liquor stores around the country. There are, however, strict laws regarding alcohol which must be adhered to. It is illegal to carry alcohol around the streets except after a purchase.

Being drunk in public is strictly prohibited. This, I presume, is what the judge is referring to. We don’t have any information as to whether there is evidence that the women had been drinking.


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Post Category: Dogs