Foie gras, a traditional French delicacy, will be featured on the menu during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. This decision has been met with controversy due to the method of production, which involves force-feeding ducks or geese to enlarge their livers, a practice known as gavage. The process is viewed as cruel by many and has led to foie gras being banned in several countries. However, France continues to produce and consume foie gras, and the organizers of the Paris Olympics have chosen to include it in their culinary offerings.
In light of the ethical debates surrounding foie gras, there have been efforts to create cruelty-free alternatives. For instance, a Michelin-starred French chef has developed a vegan version made from mushrooms and walnuts, and a French company has raised funds to develop lab-grown foie gras from cultured duck cells.
The inclusion of foie gras at the Olympics comes amidst the organizers’ efforts to promote sustainability and environmental responsibility, with plans to feature a menu that is 60 percent meat-free.

Why is foie gras considered cruel?
Foie gras is considered cruel due to the force-feeding process involved in its production, known as “gavage.” This process entails inserting pipes down the throats of ducks or geese multiple times a day to pump large quantities of grain and fat into their stomachs. The birds’ livers become abnormally enlarged, up to ten times their natural size, leading to a condition called hepatic steatosis.
The force-feeding can cause distress and injury to the birds, including damage to their esophagus, which may lead to death. Additionally, the birds are often confined to small cages that restrict their natural behaviors, such as stretching their wings and walking around. The excessive feeding and poor housing conditions contribute to high levels of disease and mortality among the birds.
Due to these welfare concerns, the production of foie gras has been banned in several countries, although it is still legal to import and sell it in some places, including parts of the UK and the USA. The ethical debate around foie gras continues, with many advocating for a complete ban on its production and sale due to the cruelty involved in its creation.
How can I avoid consuming foie gras?
To avoid consuming foie gras, you can:
- Check Labels: Always read the labels on products to ensure they do not contain foie gras. This is especially important for pâtés and other spreads that may include it as an ingredient.
- Ask at Restaurants: When dining out, ask your server if any dishes contain foie gras. If you’re unsure about a menu item, don’t hesitate to inquire about its ingredients.
- Choose Alternatives: Look for ethical alternatives to foie gras. Some chefs create plant-based versions using ingredients like mushrooms and nuts, which can mimic the texture and flavor of traditional foie gras1. Other alternatives include duck liver, chicken liver, or turkey liver, which can be prepared in a similar fashion but without the force-feeding process.
- Support Ethical Practices: Support restaurants and producers that use ethical practices, such as those that offer free-range duck liver or use livers from ducks raised in a humane manner.
- Educate Others: Share information about the ethical concerns surrounding foie gras production with friends and family to help them make informed choices as well.
By being mindful of these steps, you can help reduce the demand for foie gras and support more humane treatment of animals.
RELATED: 86% of British citizens want to halt imports of inhumane foie gras