Domestic beaver’s incredible instinct to build a dam inside a human home

I love this cute video. The instinctive drive to build a dam is strong inside the animal. The beaver grabs anything suitable and builds a dam across the opening to an internal door. They see that area as a suitable place to build it. It looks strange as there is no water. I wonder if the beaver recognises the lack of water and therefore the pointlessness of trying to build a dam. It seems not. Just pure, programmed instinct. Thoughtless really if we are honest. Although very cute. And clearly beavers do not need to be taught by mom. They are born with the all the skills and drive that they need. It is like programming a computer.

Tweet: “This beaver was orphaned and rescued as a newborn. Watch the incredible instinct to build a dam, even though it’s never seen its parents build one..”

Domestic beaver builds a dam across an internal door opening despite being rescued as a newborn and never been taught
Domestic beaver builds a dam across an internal door opening despite being rescued as a newborn and never been taught. Screenshot.

Historic day: beavers legally protected in England

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Post Category: Beavers