This dog is in ecstasy over a total mud bath. Complete delight is written all over the video of which the image is a screenshot. See the video below. Why do dogs like mud? Firstly, it is clear from this video and still image that dogs do not mind being covered in mud. They don’t mind getting dirty. It simply has no impact on them unlike humans. It’s quite strange that humans avoid mud whereas dogs wander through it with great enjoyment. Although perhaps secretly a lot of people would like to roll around in mud and you do see videos of that exact thing happening on the Internet.
Dogs like mud because it has a cooling effect and it appears that they instinctively like the fact that their scent is hidden by it. If this is true it is because it meets their predatory behaviours in that if their body odour is subdued it makes them a more effective predator because their prey animals cannot detect them quite so easily. Set against this is the fact that dogs often rely on stamina and persistence to hunt down prey. They just wear them down over long distances until they are too exhausted to defend themselves. Under this mode of attack a dog’s scent is irrelevant. The idea of subduing scent fits the cat because they rely on stalking and a final dash but ironically cats hate getting dirty! Go figure that one out.
Note: This is a video from another website. Sometimes they are deleted at source which stops them working on this site. If that has happened, I apologise but I have no control over it.