Dog called ‘Dasher’ enjoys pulling bumpers off cars with his teeth

This American car dealership says that two dogs, one brown and one black have caused $350,000-worth of damage at their business mainly because the brown one enjoys tearing bumpers off cars that are for sale. The dog achieves this by using his teeth and sheer strength. It is both impressive and shocking.

The dogs have been rounded up. The super-destructive brown one has been assessed as adoptable as he is non-aggressive towards people. He is just aggressive towards cars! Strange that. You have to question what is going on in his head. Perhaps he dislikes cars because he had an accident with one at some time in the past.

The black one is being assessed to see if he is adoptable. The dealership owners are happy they’ve solved this problem. In addition to the malicious destruction of cars for sale their presence at the dealership deterred customers from viewing the cars.

That’s why the assessed financial losses are $350k.

RELATED: John Steinbeck’s dog partly ate his Of Mice and Men manuscript (2-months’ work)

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