I’m referring to the schoolchildren’s strike to force the adults of this world, by which I mean the politicians and senior businessmen, to do something tangible and quickly about climate change.
I’m sure a lot of people will dismiss what they say because adults know best? Well they don’t sometimes and Sir David Attenborough has defended the anger of children on strike from school over climate change. He believes that the older generation should listen to their message.
“Their outrage is certainly justified, there is no doubt about that. Young people may lack experience but they also have clear sight. They can see perhaps more clearly than the rest of us who have been around for some time. We older ones should take notice of what they say.”
Sir David Attenborough
Sir David was talking to Christiana Figueres who is the UN’s former climate chief.
A young Swedish student, aged 16, who has Asperger’s, Greta Thunberg, is leading the student protest. She has become a celebrity and rightly so. When she sits among politicians of the most senior kind she sounds entirely plausible and the politicians sit enthralled at what she says. They are listening.
The renowned, anonymous street artists, Banksy, has created one of his wall, graffiti murals close to the Marble Arch protest were Extinction Rebellion had made their home. It shows a child holding the Extinction Rebellion logo and the words: “From this moment, despair ends and tactics begin.”