The real Beauty and the Beast – the ugly sport hunter

I have used the well-known title of a film to highlight the stark juxtaposition of this ugly sport hunter both in appearance and character against the beauty and innocence of the delicate and tiny antelope that he shot for his pleasure; a dik-dik. To me …

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The Lords of England are against a ban on the importation of hunting trophies

Ban trophy hunting imports. The UK wants it to happen now.

NEWS AND VIEWS: This genuinely irritates me to my core. The UK government is trying to pass a law which bans the importation of hunting trophies as trophy hunting is cruel and an activity which is of a bygone age. It negatively impacts conservation in …

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Sport hunter looks like an AH and IS an AH

Sport hunter is an AH

The picture (words added by me) from Twitter sums up what I mean about sport hunters being AHs (arseholes). Yep, I am being rude. Being rude is mild compared to the death and destruction that sport hunters hand out to wildlife often on the African …

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This is what happens when hunting dogs catch up with a wild pig

Judging by the language spoken by the sport hunter which you can hear in the video, I would assess this to be an Eastern European country. They do have backward views about hunting in that area of the European continent. It’s all part of their …

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Leopard-print $26m home of Ivana Trump won’t sell. Thoughts on why.

The sitting room showing leopard-print furnishings

The Times reports on the struggle to sell the house where Ivana Trump lived in New York city. It has been on sale for five months and it has failed to find a buyer. A visitor said that walking into the house is like stepping …

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Stag chased for hours until it collapses and then shot by countryside toff of the Quantock Staghounds

Countryside toff kills state. What fun!

The poor creature was chased for hours to exhaustion then shot after collapsing in gorse – Mendip Hunt Sabs They are an objectionable lot of AHs in their crappy ridding uniforms. Their yapping herds of dogs and plumy accents. They definitely think they have dominion …

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African nations complaining about a lack of consultation on UK’s trophy hunting ban

A wildlife trophy hunter in Africa and Sir Bill Wiggin MP

NEWS AND OPINION: Representatives from South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Namibia, countries where most of the trophy hunting takes place, are complaining to the British government that they weren’t consulted on the UK’s law which is currently being debated in Parliament to ban the …

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Connecticut family traumatised by sport hunter’s alleged shooting, beheading, skinning of their two dogs

Cimo and Lieben

NEWS AND OPINION: This is a story which is almost from a parallel universe. The story of a sport hunter living in Putnam County who has been named as Mike Konschak. At the moment these are allegations. It is alleged that Mike Konschak shot the …

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Post Category: Animal cruelty