The most frightening film you can watch is what happens to animals destined to become “meat”

Become vegan

Become a vegan. Even though I was raised on meat and two veg and therefore it is deeply embedded in my psyche, I am gradually tearing myself away from that state of mind. This picture is mind bending. It gave me goose bumps. It pushed …

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Macedonia’s legalised brutality against stray dogs

Shooting of stray dogs in Macedonia

Struge It has come to my notice that in parts of Macedonia (at least) the authorities have instigated the mass killing of stray dogs by it seems any means possible; often by shooting. For instance, there is a petition on the website after the …

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Puppy as a prize put in a tiny cage so he can’t move (animals become ‘objects’)

Treating animals as inanimate objects by putting them in tiny cages where they can't move when they are prizes

Animals as prizes put in tiny cages so they can’t move (animals become ‘objects’). The Twitter tweet states: “May 1st, Kaifeng, Henan China Animals put in small cages as prizes. The little dog couldn’t stretch his limbs inside, and was trembling every time someone threw …

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Everyone needs to learn about speciesism and ask tough questions


Is speciesism at the root of the human-to-animal problem; the abuse and cruelty? And, from my perspective, there is a problem with our relationship with animals. Not all of it is bad that’s obvious because there are hundreds of millions of great people who are …

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If animals had a religion, humans would be the DEVIL!!!

Shackled primate in Asia

That is absolutely disgusting. I weep for that poor animal. – comment on Twitter. OMG – what sh*t. What horrors people get up to. I don’t want to sound racist. I want to be respectful of different cultures and races but this is obviously Asia …

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Spain allows people to have sex with animals provided it doesn’t cause injury

Spain has decriminalised bestiality. Yes or No? Yes!

I’ve not quite got to the bottom of the reasons behind this but the Spanish government has, it seems, quite recently decriminalised bestiality (sex with animals). You might say that they partially decriminalised it but I really think that you either allow it or you …

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Primate in Asia choked, beaten, and chained to perform stupid tricks for human entertainment

Abused every day to entertain people in Asia

Hardly any words to add to this. All I know is that it is in Asia. PETA got hold of the video. And it is like watching hell on earth and humans God bless them created it. What happened to the human race? It’s no …

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Stag chased for hours until it collapses and then shot by countryside toff of the Quantock Staghounds

Countryside toff kills state. What fun!

The poor creature was chased for hours to exhaustion then shot after collapsing in gorse – Mendip Hunt Sabs They are an objectionable lot of AHs in their crappy ridding uniforms. Their yapping herds of dogs and plumy accents. They definitely think they have dominion …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Animal cruelty