Duke and Duchess of Sussex accused of being eco-hypocrites for flying in a private jet to Katy Perry concert

Prince Harry in Africa

This might be a little bit cruel on Harry and Meghan but I can see where the criticism is coming from. Harry, 39, has said in the past that, “I spend 99% of my life travelling the world by commercial. Occasionally there needs to be …

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Prince William says the world is losing its most precious natural resources “in the name of greed and exploitation”

Prince William

Prince William is currently in Singapore for the third Earthshot prize ceremony. He gave a speech in which he said that the world was losing precious natural resources including of course many iconic species of animal “at a frightening pace, all in the name of …

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Lionesses dash home to their dogs and avoid waiting fans at Heathrow

Fans of the Lionesses wait at Heathrow in vain to see their heroes arrived back from Australia. The picture is in the public domain in my view.

The woman’s England football team, called the Lionesses, are glad to be home and reunited with their companion animals which, in the case of Millie Bright, the captain, and the forwards Chloe Kelly and Rachel Daly means dog companions. They’ve posted pictures on their Instagram …

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Diva-demands are becoming more eco-friendly as they become eco-conscious

Bafta’s sustainability arm called ‘Albert’ found that the average big-budget film produced 2,840 tons of carbon dioxide (2020). Their report is being cited by film stars who want to see a change in the demands made by divas as they contribute to global warming. I’m …

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Post Category: Humans > celebrities