Giraffes can think rationally according to this study published in the journal Scientific Reports. The scientists are based at the University of Barcelona. Alvaro Caicoya (PhD student) and colleagues discovered that in the tests described below giraffes chose the boxes containing their favorite food. Test …
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The video caption states that this giraffe in a zoo wants to help a young gazelle by removing from his antlers a small branch on which there are leaves. If you look at the video closely you can see that the giraffe bends over to …
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There are dwarf giraffes in Uganda and Namibia. Most giraffes grow to between 4.5 and 6 metres in height. In a study published on the British Medical Journal website the Giraffe Conservation Foundation have reported the discovery of a 2.6 metre giraffe in Namibia in …
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RIFT VALLEY, KENYA: This is a wonderful photograph by Ami Vitale working for Save Giraffes Now. It shows a giraffe from the critically endangered Rothschild’s subspecies on a raft with rangers and conservationists on Lake Baringo, western Kenya, as it is being transported from the …
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NEWS AND STRONG OPINION: It makes you sick. It depresses me. It pisses me off to be perfectly frank. Here we have an entirely innocent and extremely rare white giraffe caused by the presence of a gene which results in a condition called leucism. It …
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Well, I have taken the huge liberty in publishing this superb photograph on this website. I felt I had to because it’s so wonderfully encapsulates what humankind’s relationship with our animal cousins should be. There is a beautiful tenderness in this interspecies relationship. I have …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.