In America dogs fed 25% less lived longer and chronic diseases started later

A 25% reduction in food intake of companion dogs in America resulted in longer life spans and a delay in the onset of chronic diseases.

Scientists have revealed that dogs on a diet which reduced food intake by 25% noticeably increased their average lifespan and, in addition, the permanent diet delayed the onset of signs of chronic disease. The study strongly indicates that companion dogs should be on a 25% …

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Pugs have the most insatiable appetite of all dog breeds

Pugs are the worst over-eaters

According to a study by the Royal Veterinary College, pugs are 3.1 times more likely than crossbred dogs to be overweight due to overeating. And The Times reports that they have the most insatiable appetite relative to their ability to burn off energy. In short, …

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Post Category: Dogs